
Stick ‘Em Up IV Therapy

Stick ‘Em Up IV Therapy

This class is focused on the tips, tricks, and techniques to assist midwives in starting an IV and administering IV fluids and medications in the home setting. The fee includes supplies, handouts, and certificates for 5 MEAC accredited CEUs. This class is an approved class towards the NARM Midwifery Bridge Certificate.
Participants will be supplied information about IV administration to include:

  • IV fluids and their appropriate uses,
  • Medications used in the midwifery home setting,
  • Complications,
  • Normal Reactions,

Participants will practice every aspect of IV administration:

  • Mixing medications
  • Spiking a bag
  • Priming the lines
  • Administering an IV to include.
    • proper placement
    • inserting the catheter
    • taping/securing the IV
  • Pushing a medication/flushing a line
  • Discontinuing the IV, and of course
  • Charting

We supply sterile unexpired IV supplies, catheters, and fluids for insertion on a live model. However, we will practice on a simulation model first.

Midwives, please donate any expired IV supplies, to include medications. We can use these in the demonstration segment of our class, during the practice of mixing medications, and when inserting an IV on the artificial models. This is a great recycling effort and can help us reduce our cost.

Because we want to insure you get valuable time with hands on, supervised experience, we limit the class size, and you will be given handouts that can be valuable after leaving the class.

The cost of the class depends on travel expenses and the expenses for the venue.

Contact us if you are interested in taking or hosting a workshop: 615.714.0111 or

Meet the instructors:

Classes currently scheduled

November 12, 2024 Tuesday Tender Beginnings Birth Services
1725 Hill Road, Eagleville, TN

Please note all classes are limited to 6 participants.

Contact Person, Mary Anne Richardson 615.714.0111, or


“As an RN and CPM of 9 years, Stick’EM up IV workshop was a great refresher for me! It was well-rounded and concise. The instructors Mary Anne and Becca were very knowledgeable. I would highly recommend this class from beginners to experienced persons.” Daphne McIntosh, CPM, RN,- Louisville KY

“It’s a great class!” Sherly Shafer CPM- Plesantville, TN

“It’s a wonderful opportunity!” – Michelle Ray CPM – Chattanooga TN